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r Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context"

Porto, Portugal, 26th-29th June 2013


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Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of 8th International Conference of EWRA
"Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context"
Editors:  Rodrigo Maia
   António Guerreiro de Brito
   Abílio Seca Teixeira
  José Tentúgal Valente
 João Pedro Pêgo
ISBN: 978-989-95557-8-5
Published by: FEUP

The Proceedings of the Conference can be procured from the EWRA Secretariat. Interested scientists should contact the Secretary of EWRA, Dr. Harris Vangelis, by e-mail (ewra@ewra.net). Please mention the topic "Porto Proceedings" in the subject of your e-mail to avoid delays.

15 January 2014


Selection of papers for the journals of EWRA

The selection of papers to be processed for publication in the journals of EWRA was completed. 104 papers were selected, 33 for the journal of Water Resources Management, 33 for the journal European Water, 20 for the Water Utility journal and 18 for the journal of Environmental Processes. Authors of the selected papers are invited to submit their papers according to the guidelines of the corresponding journal. Slight amendments or additions in the text are accepted as long as they remain minimal. The deadline for submission is 15th of November.

Please search the corresponding list of "selected papers".

The guidelines of Environmental Processes are similar to Water Resources Management.

15 October 2013


Daily Conference Programme

The final schedule of oral and poster presentations is now available at the "Programme" section of this site.

Please note that the duration of each oral presentation should not exceed 10 minutes, to allow some time for questions at the end of each session.

24 June 2013


Field Trip on Saturday 29th June 2013

The participants of the EWRA Conference in Porto are informed that on Saturday 29th of June 2013 a Field Trip will be organised to Frades Power Station. Please read the details on the Field Trip (FieldTrip.pdf) which are also available at the "Programme" section of this site.

Participants are advised to book this trip at the registration desk during the Conference. Additional information can be requested at the registration desk.

21 June 2013


Executive Committee Announcement

The EWRA Executive Committee plans to honour two distinguished Professors, active members of EWRA, Evan Vlachos and Luis S. Pereira, for their outstanding contributions in the field of Water Resources Management.

The ceremony will take place within the General Assembly of EWRA during Conference in Porto on the 26th of June 2013 (afternoon).

All participants of the Conference are invited to attend this ceremony and participate in the GA of EWRA.

21 June 2013


EWRA General Assembly

The EWRA General Assembly (GA) planned to take place in Porto on the 26th of June 2013 is the second, since the GA in Porto one week earlier could not gather the 1/5 of its members.

Therefore the GA of the 26th of June 2013 is the second GA - in respect to Article 13.3 of Statutes, and may decide legally irrespective of the number of members present.

21 June 2013


Daily Conference Programme

An updated daily schedule of the oral as well as the poster presentations is now available at the "Programme" section of this site.

18 June 2013


Tentative Daily Conference Programme

A tentative daily schedule of the oral presentations is now available at the "Programme" section of this site.

Please note that this programme is not final and it will be updated if necessary.

13 June 2013


EWRA General Assembly – Porto 26 June 2013

1. General Introduction.

2. Honour to Prof. Evan Vlachos and Prof. Luis Santos Pereira

3. Proposal for a new EWRA structure

4. Amendments to the Statutes

5. New EWRA activities

6. Selection of the next Congress venue

7. Elections for the members of the EC

8. GA Closure

13 June 2013


EWRA General Assembly – Porto 26 June 2013

During the General Assembly (GA) of EWRA in Porto on 26th of June 2013, elections for all the posts of the Executive Committee will be held.

Nominations for the President, Vice-President, Secretary general, Treasurer and Membership Coordinator are accepted by any member of EWRA up to the beginning of the GA on the 26th of June 2013.

The nominations should be sent to the EWRA Secretariat (ewra@ewra.net). Proposers should request for a confirmation.

12 June 2013


EWRA General Assembly – Porto 26 June 2013

During the General Assembly (GA) of EWRA in Porto on 26th of June 2013, the selection of the venue of the next Congress will take place.

Documented proposals should be submitted to the EWRA Secretariat (ewra@ewra.net) up to the beginning of the GA on the 26th of June 2013.

12 June 2013


Announcement for participants presenting posters

For the presentation of posters, the presenters are informed that the maximum size of each poster is A0 (1189 mm x 841 mm / ISO 216, DIN 476) in a “portrait” orientation.

Posters of smaller dimensions are also allowed.

10 June 2013


Tentative Conference Programme

A tentative Programme of the Conference is now available at the "Programme" section of this site.

Please note that as it is mandatory to have one registered participant per presentation, the programme will be adapted to the final number of presentations.

22 May 2013


Venue and Accommodation update

Details regarding the venue of the Conference and an updated list of Hotels are now available at the "Venue and Accommodation" section of this site.

15 May 2013


Instructions for registration

Instructions on how to register, registration fees and new registration deadlines are now available at the "Registration" section of this site.

Please note that the deadline for early registration is May 21, 2013.

10 May 2013


Size limit of full papers

As known the size of full papers which can be submitted for presentation in the EWRA Conference in Porto is 3000-6000 words, including Tables and Figures. It should be noted that each typical Table/Figure is counted for 300 words.

This low upper limit was set for facilitating the selection of the biggest possible number of papers for inclusion in the journal publications. In this way, selected papers will meet the requirements of the journals. It should be noted that we strongly support the idea that scientists should be able to express their views in a more concise and coherent way.

Obviously, submitted papers which slightly exceed the upper limit (e.g. by some 10%) will be further processed without any problem for presentation in the Conference. However, papers which exceed the limit by far will be returned to the authors for reduction before the review process.

28 Mar 2013


Useful announcement on the “Copyright”

Since many authors ask for the usefulness of the requested "copyright", which should accompany the submission of each paper for the EWRA Conference in Porto, the following information is given:

  1. The copyright is asked to avoid duplication of papers already published in journals or other conference proceedings.

  2. As it is customary in the scientific community, manuscripts submitted for any kind of publication (journals, proceedings, etc) can not be reproduced in full in other publications. Obviously, scientists are allowed to extent their research and use previous published material as long as it is properly cited.

  3. In this Conference a new option for not copyrighted poster papers is introduced. According to this option, authors are allowed to present poster papers without transferring the copyrights to EWRA. Authors who choose this option should submit an extended abstract (1 to 3 pages) and prepare a poster presentation. These papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings but obviously will not be considered for publication in any of the journals of EWRA.

26 Mar 2013


New deadline for full paper submission

The period for full paper submission (oral or poster) is extended up to the 5th of April 2013 instead of the 21st of March 2013. The full papers should comply fully with the guidelines and rules included in the previous announcements.

All full papers will be scrutinised for final acceptance for presentation in the Conference. All papers (oral or poster) will be equally processed for possible publication in one of the journals of EWRA.

18 Mar 2013


Option for poster papers

In case the authors of a paper, which was accepted for POSTER presentation during the abstract selection phase, do not wish to submit a full paper and comply with the requirements of publication in the journals of EWRA (e.g. copyright etc.), they may choose the following option: They submit an extended abstract of 1 to 3 pages instead of a full paper, which will be included in the Proceedings of the Conference. This extended abstract will not be considered for possible journal publication. The deadline for this type of submission is 5th of April 2013.

18 Mar 2013


Guidelines for full paper submissions

We would like to thank you for submitting an abstract to the 8th International Conference of EWRA, to be held in Porto in June 2013.

Please note that guidelines for submitting a full paper are now available at the "Submissions" section of this site.

25 Jan 2013


Notification of acceptance for submitted abstracts

We kindly inform the authors who submitted abstracts to the 8th International Conference of EWRA, that the evaluation procedure was slightly delayed due to the very high number of submissions.

Please note that all the authors will be informed regarding the status of their abstracts in the next few days.

15 Jan 2013


Deadline Extension for Abstract Submission

As requested by some authors, the Organising and Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference of EWRA has decided to extend the deadline for abstract submission to:

December 21st, 2012.

To submit your abstract, please follow the instructions given in the section “Abstract Submission” in the web pages of the Conference.

Please note that information on accommodation is already available at the “Venue and Accommodation” section.

30 Nov 2012



In Europe, the last decade has been of great change and adaptation in water policy and management. Following the work and progress achieved in the 7th International Conference of EWRA, held in Limassol (2009), on "Water Resources Conservancy and Risk Reduction Under Climatic Instability" and the VI International Symposium of EWRA, held in Catania (2011), on “Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment”, it is a good opportunity to evaluate the current status of the work achieved by the EU Member States related to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation, having in mind the 2015 deadline. On the other hand, the Floods Directive, published in 2007, is also a current concern of the Member States that are required to draw up flood risk maps by 2013 and establish flood risk management plans by 2015. In parallel, it is also important to highlight and acknowledge the process on water infrastructures and technologies, facing the changing context and the increasing challenges created by climate change and other new paradigms taking place in water resources management. More specifically, according to WFD requirements, the second cycle of River Basin Management Plans cycle will have to include climate change effects.

In this context, the 8th International Conference of European Water Resources Association (EWRA) will give special emphasis to the application of the WFD, emphasising the challenges encountered and foreseen by the different Member States and more specifically the challenges raised by the transboundary river basins which represent more than 60% of the European territory. The 8th International Conference of EWRA intends to be a platform of discussion and sharing of information and experiences between scientists and professionals from the Member States but also from other regions around the globe facing new challenges related to water resources management. More than an analysis of what has to be done, Member States need to share their know-how and enhance their capacity building related to the implementation of a common legislation at the European level.

Abstracts can be submitted in the three sections of the Conference proposed hereafter. The first section is devoted to the current state of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the lessons learned. The second section will deal with innovative methodologies in water resources management and policies. Finally, the third section will deal with several specific topics, which are at the cutting edge of future innovations in this scientific area.



Section 1: “Water Framework Directive – implementation status and lessons learned”

- Lessons learned from WFD application

- Organisational and Public Participation issues

- Transboundary river basins

- Incorporation of climate change effects and adaptation in WFD implementation

Section 2: “Water resources management”

- Adaptive IWRM and new paradigms

- Floods Directive and applications

- Droughts and Water Scarcity

- Water Quality

Section 3: “Water related specific topics”

- Water and Energy

- Water loss management

- Eco-efficiency (Life cycle assessment)

- Risk management oriented approach

- Optimal vs. Rational decision making


© EWRAnet 2013