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rainfall - runoff software package


Note: Medbasin 2 is currently under development/testing.

The new version is expected to be released within the next few months.



Related papers

Tigkas D., Tsakiris G., 2004. Medbasin: A Mediterranean rainfall – runoff software package. European Water, 5/6: 3-11 [full article]
Tsakiris G., Tigkas D., Pangalou D., 2004. On the assessment of climatic and drought scenarios on runoff in Mediterranean island river basins. In Proceedings of EWRA International Symposium, Water Resources Management: Risks and Challenges for the 21st century, Harmancioglu N. et al. (eds.), Izmir, Turkey. Vol. 2: 627-647
Tsakiris G., Tigkas D., Spiliotis M., 2006. Assessment of interconnection between two adjacent watersheds using deterministic and fuzzy approaches. European Water 15/16: 15-22 [full article]
Tigkas D. and Tsakiris G., 2006. Medbasin: an integrated rainfall – runoff software package for water resources management. EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna
Tsakiris G., A. Cancelliere, D. Tigkas, H.Vangelis, D. Pangalou, B. Bonaccorso, M. Moneo and V. Nicolosi, 2007. Tools and Models. In Drought Management Guidelines Technical Annex, Iglesias A. et al. (eds.). CIHEAM - EC MEDAWater, Zaragosa
Tigkas D., Vangelis H., Tsakiris G., 2012. Drought and climatic change impact on streamflow in small watersheds. Science of the Total Environment, 440: 33-41 [doi: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.08.035]
Tigkas D., Christelis V., Tsakiris G., 2016. Comparative Study of Evolutionary Algorithms for the Automatic Calibration of the Medbasin-D Conceptual Hydrological Model. Environmental Processes, 3(3): 629-644
[doi: dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40710-016-0147-1]
Kopsiaftis G., Tigkas D., Christelis V., Vangelis H., 2017. Assessment of drought impacts on semi-arid coastal aquifers of the Mediterranean. Journal of Arid Environments, 137: 7-15, doi: 10.1007/s40710-014-0052-4
[full article]

e-mail: medbasin
{at} ewra.net

National Technical University of Athens

Lab. of Reclamation Works & Water Resources Management

© 2003-2016


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