Minutes |
Minutes of the Meetings of
the General Assembly of the
The General Assembly (GA) of EWRA was held at Grand Cevahir Hotel – Istanbul on the 10th of June 2015, during the 9th World Congress of EWRA. A short description of the activities of the GA and the main decisions according to the agenda of the GA are as follows:
1. Account of activities
2. Status of European Waters
3. New organisational steps of EWRA
4. EWRA Congresses 2017 and 2019
5. Honouring distinguished members of EWRA
6. Synopsis of decisions
The Executive Committee
Minutes of the Meetings of
the General Assembly of the
The President Prïf. G. Tsakiris welcomed the participants to the General Assembly of EWRA in Porto. He mentioned that this GA is the second in a week’s time and therefore can decide legally irrespective of the number of present members. As known in the first GA the 1/5 of registered members had to be present. Obviously this could not be achieved and therefore the 1st GA a week ago did not take place. Then the President presented the Agenda of the General Assembly of EWRA which is as follows:
1. General Introduction. 2. Honour to Prof. Evan Vlachos and Prof. Luis Santos Pereira 3. Proposal for a new EWRA structure 4. Amendments to the Statutes 5. New EWRA activities 6. Selection of the next Congress venue 7. Elections for the members of the EC 8. GA Closure
1. General Introduction
The President presented the activities of EWRA during the last two years. (a) Organisation of the 6th International Symposium EWRA held in Catania-Sicily June 29th-July 1st, 2011. The Symposium was successfully organized by Prof. A. Cancelliere. From the symposium selected papers were published in the journals Water Resources Management and European Water. Two special volumes were issued (one in WARM: Guest Editors A. Cancelliere and G. Rossi, Vol.27 and one in European Water: Guest Editor G. Tsakiris, Vol.34) (b) EWRA also supported the Conferences held in Bulgaria (19-20 November 2012) on “Water Loss Reduction in the Water Supply Systems”, in Romania (11-13 June 2012) on “The Regional Water Forum held in Bucharest” and in Greece EWaS-MED (Thessaloniki 11-13 April 2013). (c) During the last two year period several permanent working groups were organized and started producing reports. These reports will be presented in written form at appropriate time (d) During the last term in office several agreements were signed between EWRA and national water resources association. Namely with the Associations in Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Italy. (e) With Portugal we had signed an agreement in the past but we lost contact and we have to renew it. (f) Regarding this conference it is the intention for the organizers to publish about 120 papers in our journals. Forty papers will be selected for possible publication in Water Resources Management (Guest Editors: R. Maia and L.S. Pereira), forty for the European Water (Editor: A. Loukas), twenty for the Water Utility Journal (Guest Editor: G. Tsakiris) and twenty for the new journal Environmental Processes (Editor: V. Tsihrintzis).
2. Honours to Prof. Evan Vlachos and Prof. Louis Santos Pereira A ceremony took place to honour two outstanding personalities in the water sector and distinguished members of EWRA Prof. Evan Vlachos and Prof. Louis Santos Pereira. The presentation of E. Vlachos was made by Prof. R. Maia and presentation of L. Pereira by Prof. G. Tsakiris. Details of the ceremony can be found elsewhere (e.g. EWRAnews).
3. Proposal for a new EWRA structure (a) An improved structure of EWRA was proposed and decided.
EWRA will be active
in R&D in Europe by its participation as a non-benefit organization as a
dissemination partner in European and International projects. To achieve
this, EWRA will acquire a PIC number and will be registered for the
first time in the Ministry of Economy of Greece. (b) National Representations of EWRA As known, EWRA is an International Association embracing all countries of the world, although its main core remains in Europe. It is therefore difficult to coordinate efforts occurring in several parts of the world with the existing organizational structure.
For this reason, the
structure of EWRA should include on national representatives for each
country. A two person national representation was decided in which one
person will be the national representative and the second person to
deputy national representative. Obviously if a country participates in
EWRA by its national association it is the latter to decide upon the
persons acting as representatives of the country in EWRA. (c) EWRA Secretariat The new EC will be assisted fully by the EWRA secretariat at the Nat. Technical University in Athens. Already three colleagues Dr H. Vangelis, Dr D. Tigkas and Dr D. Alexakis are responsible of the secretariat and carry out all necessary EWRA activities (e.g. publication of journals, EWRA news bulletin, website, correspondence etc.). The above mentioned colleagues were officially appointed as Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Dissemination Coordinator of the EWRA Secretariat, respectively.
4. Amendments to the Statutes Some small amendments to the statutes were introduced mainly corrections related to the 4 year term in office instead of 3 year term mentioned in some articles. The decision for a 4 year term in office was taken in a previous GA.
5. New EWRA activities (a) EWRA Congresses The next events can be organized by EWRA itself with its secretariat in Athens and the assistance of a local secretariat in the city of the event. As known, up to now, the organization of the events, were fully given to a collaborating university and EWRA was not involved in any administrative or economic matter. Related to the above, is our intention to upgrade the conferences of EWRA into Congresses and leaving out the EWRA Symposia. Therefore, instead of having a conference or a symposium every two years, we will have a Congress, every two years. Therefore the next event will be the 9th Congress of EWRA following the numbering of the conferences alone (and leaving out the Symposia). Finally specialized seminars will be organized in various cities.
(b) Journals It was decided that EWRA will strengthen its role by launching new journals covering other areas of expertise from the areas covered by the existing journals of EWRA. This is a very serious and difficult activity. However, the success of EWRA journals can guarantee the success of the new journals. As you know WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT has already established its leading role in the area, considered as one of the few journals with high impact in the area of water resources. During the last four evaluations the impact factor of the journal was above 2 with increasing prospects. In fact even with the last Impact Factors presented by Thomson Reuters for 2012 the IF increased from 2.054 (in 2011) to 2.259 for 2012. Also, the EUROPEAN WATER, the journal devoted to innovative applications and interesting case studies, is performing very well. The number of downloads is steadily increasing, promising that soon will be among the highly respected journals. During May 2011 we applied for indexing in SCOPUS database. The most recent journal we launched for professionals the WATER UTILITY JOURNAL needs more support in order to be published on time. In the months to come we will concentrate on activities for strengthening this journal. And now a new journal we wish to launch is the journal of ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES which can cover many of the research activities in the area of the environment in which many of our members are working. I have already asked Prof. V. Tsihrintzis to be the editor-in-chief and he has accepted this invitation. Prof. Tsihrintzis is a prominent and very active scientist in the area of environment, he has published more than 100 papers in ISI journals and has more than 1500 citations. This journal has very good prospects and does not overlap significantly with the other journals of ours. It can also incorporate the old idea of a journal on Macro-engineering (probably as a special issue) which was not realised.
6. Selection of the next Congress venue For the next Congress of EWRA, three proposals were received up to the beginning of the GA: (a) Istanbul, (b) Novisad, (c) Brussels. The GA selected Istanbul as the next venue of the Congress (June 2015). Regarding the Congress of EWRA in four years time, a preliminary selection was made for Thessaloniki among two proposals Thessaloniki and Kiev. It should be stressed that the last selection is preliminary and the final decision will be taken in Istanbul GA in June 2015.
7. Elections for the members of the EC The GA agreed with the proposal of the last EC for the following persons to be elected for the new EC: President: G. Tsakiris (National Technical University of Athens), Vice-President: R. Maia (University of Porto), General Secretary: A. Cancelliere (University of Catania), Treasurer: N. Harmancioglu (Dokuz Eylul University), International Relations: L. Garrote (Technical University of Madrid).
8. GA Closure The President congratulated the new members of the EC and thanked the members of the previous EC for their contributions of the activities of EWRA. Finally he thanked all the participants of the GA for their constructive participation in the GA.
The Executive Committee
Minutes of the Meetings of
the General Assembly and the Board of Management of the
The General Assembly (GA) of the European Water Resources Association was held in Catania (Sicily), Monastero dei Benedettini, Piazza Dante (Faculty of Arts), on Thursday the 30th of June 2011, 18:00. The President of EWRA welcomed all the members of EWRA in the General Assembly of EWRA in Catania. The General Assembly takes place together with the Board of Management of the Association. In fact the Board of Management is inactive after the amendment to the statutes done 6 years ago.
The Agenda of the GA was as follows: 1. Honouring Prof. M. Benedini 2. Amendments to the statutes 3. Review of the implementation of WFD in Europe 4. International Conference of EWRA in Porto 2013 5. Organisation of Permanent Working Groups 6. Other activities
1. Honouring Prof. M. Benedini President: I will start by highlighting some important dates and activities from Prof. Benedini’s CV: Born in 1932, he graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Padova in 1957 and was awarded the Lecturer Degree (“Libera Docentia”) on Hydraulics in 1968. He served as Assistant Professor to the Chair of Hydraulics and responsible of an experimental section for research in applied hydraulics at the Institute of Hydraulics of Padova University. In 1969 Prof. Benedini joined the Water Research Institute of the Italian National Research Council in Rome, where he was appointed Head of Water Resources Department. In 1975 he was awarded the Degree of “Director of Research” in the National Research Council. In 1999 he formally retired from the Water Research Institute. He has worked in the field of theoretical and applied hydraulics using the experimental facilities of Padova University. Within the Water Research Institute he has been responsible for research on advanced methods for water resources management and published many articles in journals and several very interesting books. He has worked as an expert in various international organisations (OECD, European Commission, UNESCO). He has been also active member of International Associations {IAHR, IWRA, EWRA (founding member)}. He has also taught post-graduate courses in various Italian Universities. We know Marcello Benedini as the real founder of EWRA. The idea to create a European Association of Water Resources was conceived by us during the conference “Water in the year 2000” which was held in Athens in 1984. EWRA was established in Athens in 1986 during the International Symposium “Water for Agricultural Development”. In the first Executive Committee we both (myself and Prof. Benedini) participated together with Prof. J. Nemec (acting as president) (WMO) and Prof. J. Kindler (Poland). During the IAHS Conference in Budapest we presented EWRA in the General Assembly and EWRA became ECOWARM (European Committee for Water Resources Management) as a regional committee of IAHS. Later Prof. V. Klemes (President of IAHS) thought that water resources management is something wider and could not be under the umbrella of IAHS. Then we run into a crisis and Prof. M. Benedini took the responsibility to become the interim president up to 1992 when EWRA was re-established in the form we have today. That is an independent European Association on water resources. Prof. Benedini was always available to help the association in its activities. He represented EWRA in TECHWARE and participated in successful European projects originated by EWRA. Due to Prof. Benedini, EWRA obtained a respectable status organising successful conferences and publishing journals. I am not far from reality to say that EWRA exists due to the entire commitment of Prof. Benedini. I think the last thing we could do is to express our sincere gratitude to his devotion to the idea of EWRA and the persistent way he served its objectives for integrated and adaptive management of water resources and its final goal of global water security. I feel honour and luck as the President of EWRA to be able to express the gratitude of our members to you Prof. Benedini by giving you this letter of honour. Prof. Benedini received the “Letter of honour” and thanked the association and the President for the gesture. He thanked also his wife for her support throughout his career and all the colleagues who cooperated with him. Addressing the young scientists of the conference he advised them to be persistent and devoted to their goals. He quoted “From 100 targets you are aiming at your way fail in 99. But it is still worth trying to succeed just in one”. Finally one of the organisers of the Symposium Prof. G. Rossi took the floor and addressed Prof. M. Benedini with warm words mentioning his contribution to the Italian Hydrotechnical Association and Water Resources Management in Italy in general.
2. Amendments to the statutes President: During the last year and after the Conference of EWRA in Lemessos (Cyprus) I started receiving requests form scientists from non-European countries expressing their willingness to become members of EWRA. Unfortunately so far members of EWRA can be only physical or legal persons from a European country. To some of these colleagues I promised to bring this issue in the next General Assembly aiming at transforming EWRA in an entirely International Association.
So we ask you as members of EWRA to accept the following amendment to our statutes: Article 6 (before) Member of the association can be any physical or legal person from a European country who is engaged in an activity which is compatible with the aims of the association. Article 6 (amended) Member of the association can be any physical or legal person from any country of the world who is engaged in an activity which is compatible with the aims of the association.
Further, Article 8 becomes: Kinds of membership: 1. Membership of physical persons from any country of the world 2. Student membership 3. Institutional membership for commercial enterprises, public institutions, water resources associations, NGOs etc. No fees are paid for the first two categories. An annual fee of 200 Euros should be paid for each member of category 3.
All present members agreed with the amendments.
3. Review of the implementation of WFD in Europe Key presentations on this issue were presented by Prof. R. Maia and G. Monacelli reviewing the existing progress regarding the implementation of WFD in member states. The experiences in other countries (e.g. Turkey) were presented by Prof. N. Harmancioglu.
Their reviews will appear in the next issue of EWRA news.
4. International Conference of EWRA in Porto 2013 The Vice President Prof. R. Maia presented the decision of the EC to organise the next Conference in Porto (Portugal). He presented the city and the university where the next conference will be held. He promised to organise a very successful conference and urged the participants to come to Porto in late June 1013. The title of the conference and the first announcement will be ready by October 2011. The presentation of the Vice President was received warmly by the participants.
5. Organisation of Permanent Working Groups The permanent working groups of EWRA were presented and a deadline for member who wishes to join them was set at the end of December 2011. The permanent working groups and the responsible member of EC are: • Water Quality, Desalination and Non-conventional Water Resources (G. Tsakiris) • Water Resources Management (R. Maia) • Climate Change, Extreme events, Water security (A. Cancelliere) • Water Systems efficiency (B. Charalambous) • Energy and Technology (S. Hamilton) The groups will finally organised next January appointing their coordinators who will be selected by their members. Interested scientists and professionals are asked to communicate with the responsible EC members.
6. Other activities The journals of EWRA were presented as follows: • WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (Springer, IF 2.201) • EUROPEAN WATER (free access) • WATER UTILITY JOURNAL (launched in 2011) EWRA also supports the following journals: • DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT (EDS, IF 0.75) • HYDRO HAZARDS (CANAH, abstract journal) • EARTH OBSERVATION AND NATURAL DISASTERS (CANAH, abstract journal) It was stressed that all the above journals improve their position from year to year. A unique example is the main journal of EWRA Water Resources Management, which reached the 6th position (rating according to the Impact Factor) out of about 80 journals in the field of Water Resources.
Catania – Italy, 30 June 2011
The Executive Committee
Minutes of the Meetings of
the General Assembly and the Board of Management of the
1. Agenda The General Assembly (GA) of the European Water Resources Association was held in Lemesos (Cyprus), Hotel Elias Beach on Wednesday the 25th of June 2009, 16:00. Firstly the participants of the General Assembly elected the chairman of the Assembly. Mr. N. Tsiourtis (ex-vice president of EWRA) was elected as chairman.
The agenda of the GA was as follows: 1. Account of activities of EC during the past term in Office 2. Preparation of EWRA’s participation in the Copenhagen Summit (Keynote Speech: Prof. N. Dalezios, expert on climate change) 3. Reorganisation of EWRA / Amendments in the Statutes (Introduction: Prof. R. Maia) 4. New initiatives (Working groups, Services) (Introduction: Dr. B. Charalambous, Organising Committee of the 7th EWRA Conference) 5. New journals and publications (Introduction: Prof. A. Cancelliere) 6. Evaluation of scientific research (Introduction: Prof. G. Tsakiris) 7. Next Symposium (2011) and Conference (2013) venues (Introduction: Prof. S. Christodoulou, Host of the 7th EWRA Conference) 8. Elections of the new EC 9. Other items
2. EWRA EC 2010-2013 During the General Assembly of the European Water Resources Association held in Lemesos/Cyprus on the 25th of June 2009 a new Executive Committee was elected for a 4-year term in office January 2010 – December 2013. The new EC is as follows: - G. Tsakiris (Greece), President - R. Maia (Portugal), Vice President - B. Charalambous (Cyprus), Secretary General - A. Cancelliere (Italy), Treasurer - S. Hamilton (UK), Coordinator of Activities
The main items discussed during the GA in Lemesos and confirmed during the EC meeting in Lemesos (June 2009) and Athens (Sept. 2009) are briefly presented below:
3. Amendments in the Statutes – New Structure of EWRA i) GA confirmed the change in the Statutes proposed in a previous GA in Chania Crete for expanding the term in Office of each EC from 3 to 4 years in order to coincide with the International Conferences of EWRA held every 4 years. ii) The structure of EWRA is returned to its initial form with individual members from all European Countries and Associate members from all the other countries of the world. EWRA is governed by a 5-member Executive Committee and the General Assembly which is held every 2 years.
4. EWRA Working Groups After the agreement obtained in the General Assembly in Lemesos (June 2009), the Executive Committee met in Athens on the 28th August 2009. One of the major issues discussed in that meeting was to propose the first 5 Permanent Working Groups of EWRA. The following Working Groups are finally proposed: • Water System Efficiency • Energy and Technology • Climate Change, Extreme Events and Water Security • Water Quality, Desalination and Non-conventional Water Resources • Water Resources Management (Legislation-Best Practices)
The members of EWRA are invited to propose suitable candidates for the above working groups for the period 2010 and 2013. Each group will consist of at least 5 members with one of them acting as the chairman. One member of each group will be also member of the EC of EWRA. The deadline for candidates will be the end of June 2010. Interested members of EWRA can communicate with the Secretary General Bambos Charalambous for any issue related to the Permanent Working Groups of EWRA.
Lemesos – Cyprus, 25 June 2009
The Executive Committee
Minutes of the Meetings of
the General Assembly and the Board of Management of the
The General Assembly of EWRA took place at the Arsenali Building in Chania (Crete) on Friday 15 June 2007. The GA was organized in the framework of EWRA Symposium “Water Resources Management: New Approaches and Technologies” which took place in the same venue 14 – 16 June 2007. The GA was the second (a week before chorum was not achieved) from two dates scheduled so for the GA could decide legally irrespective of the number of the present members. Forty two EWRA members participated in the GA. From the Executive Committee of EWRA the following members participated: G. Tsakiris, B. Barraque, R. Maia, G. Sechi. The GA was chaired by G. Tsakiris and B. Barraque (president and vice-president of EWRA, respectively). The topics discussed and the decisions taken after a long debate are as follow:
1. Organization of the next conference a. Venue The venue of the next conference will remain in the Balkans. Among the 3 venues proposed and discussed in detail (namely Sofia (Bulgaria), Belgrade (Serbia) and Bucurest (Romania)). Bucurest seemed to be preferred in case there will be strong support from possible local organizations. Sofia remains as an alternative venue.
b. Date The date of the Conference was decided to be Spring/Summer 2009.
The President was given the approval to investigate further all the matters of the conference organization in cooperation with the Executive Committee.
2. Extension of the term in Office of the EC Due to the delayed timing of the next Conference and the next GA of EWRA by one year, the Executive Committee term in office is also extended by one year (end of 2009).
3. Launching a new journal a) The third journal of EWRA was decided to be launched at the beginning of 2008. The journal will be called “Macroengineering and Environmental Governance”. The announcement of the journal will be made soon. b) Starting from this year “Water Resources Management” (Springer) will be published in 12 issues per year. The article submission rate has increased during the last couple of years reaching the rate of 1 submission per day. There is also an increasing request for special issues. c) The European Water will incorporate topics on environmental risk. The European Water will be available in both electronic and printed form.
4. Start of the EWRA - supported interuniversity course The interuniversity postgraduate course discussed during the EWRA GA in Menton 2005 will start its operation in September 2008. The title of the course leading to an MSc degree is “Macroengineering and Environmental Management”. The course will incorporate courses belonging to Engineering, Economics, Social Sciences giving emphasis to the large scale environmental processes and the sustainable development. The course will be taught in English and will last for at least 1 year. It will be organized jointly by the Agricultural University of Athens, the National Technical University of Athens and the University of Thessaly. Many Universities from European Mediterranean countries will also participate as co-organizers of the course.
5. Technical Committees The GA agreed with the proposal of Prof. Barraque for establishing Technical Committees for a number of topics. The number of committees and their obligations will be determined by the EC and will be announced soon.
6. EWRA as a European Umbrella of National Associations Once again it was stressed that the role of EWRA is the coordination of national water resources associations which exist in almost all European Countries. Therefore an attempt will be made by the EC to gather most of these national associations under the umbrella of EWRA.
7. Future Events Prof. Cancelliere reaffirmed the interest of Catania University to host one of the future events of EWRA. The GA agreed to discuss further the event and the date with the people from Catania University.
Chania – Crete, Friday 15 June 2007
The Chairmen G. Tsakiris B. Barraque
Minutes of the Meetings of the
General Assembly and the Board of Management of the
Chairman: An announcement was made through the internet for GA meeting on Friday 2 September 2005. This meeting is the second on and may decide legally, irrespective of the number of present members.
Report of the president: The president gives a short account of EWRA activities during the last term in office. EWRA (formerly ECOWARM) was established in 1986. Its name was changed to EWRA on the GA held on 14 September 1992. The last Executive Committee was elected during the GA on the 4th of September 2002. The main activities for the period of 2002-2005 are:
a) 5th International
Conference “Water Resources Management in the Era of Transition”,
b) Symposium “Water
resources management: risks and challenges for the 21st Century”,
c) Symposium “Risks
and Hazards in Coastal Areas”, d) 6th International Conference “Sharing a common vision of our water resources”, 7-10 September 2005, Menton, France.
Co-organisation of a number of other scientific events. Preparation of the European Iteruniversity Postgraduate course starting next October. Already 12 Universities participate in the preparation of this course which will be semi-internet, semi-classes. The course title is “Management of Natural Systems” having two options: a) Land and Water Management, and b) Environment, Development and Society. The establishment of the international journal of the Association “WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT”. The inflow of papers is about 150 per annum. The average acceptance percentage is 1/3. The number of issues per year was increased from 4 to 6. Also the number of pages per issue was increased from 80 to 100 pages. However this cannot last very long because of the increased number of papers which are submitted. Therefore we are increasing the number of issues per year from 6 to 9 from 2007. The journal is within ICI (international Citation Index) and it is accepted as a leading journal in the field. It is the fastest improving journal in terms of the impact factor (within 3 years its impact factor was increased 2.5 times now being 0.78). The preparation and commencement of a new publication of EWRA, the European Water, which specialises on interesting case studies and data presentation and analysis. It is published through the internet but from this year onwards it will be also published in a printed form. The Association also maintains a very popular site: ewra.net. Less official supporting EWRA activities is also WATERifo.gr.
Future activities: There are proposals for future events but those will be decided by the EC. For instance Conferences / Symposia in Sofia (April 2007), Italy, Volos and Crete.
Minutes of the Meetings of the
General Assembly and the Board of Management of the
Participants: At the beginning of the meeting 22 EWRA members were present. The number of participants was increased to 30 by the end of the meeting. Most of the participants were from the Greek Water Resources Management Association which is an institutional member of EWRA.
Prof. Prinz (President of EWRA)
Topic 1: Formalia The President thanks Prof. Tsakiris for the preparatory work for this meeting and states, that a formal invitation was sent to EWRA members for a GA meeting on 28th August 2002. This meeting is the second one and may decide legally irrespective of the number of members present.
Topic 2: Report of the President The President gives a short summary of EWRA activities of recent years, starting with a “historical” review. The European Water Resources Association was initially established in Athens as ECOWARM during the International Symposium “Water Management for Agricultural Development”, Athens, 1986. The first interim council was comprised by Prof. J. Nemec (President), Prof. J. Kindler, Prof. M. Benedini, Prof. G. Tsakiris and Dr. Molnar. On September 14, 1992, during an international conference on Sustainable Irrigation in Loeven in Berlgium, its name was changed to European Water Resources Association.
ACTIVITIES: To achieve EWRA’s goals the following activities were carried out: (A) EWRA organised in collaboration with national associations the following conferences and symposia:
(B) Publishing of journals and newsletters An international and scientific and technical journal called „Water Resources Management“, is published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, for EWRA. Editor is Prof. G. Tsakiris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Water Resources Management is an international, multidisciplinary forum for the presentation of original papers for the exchange of knowledge and experience on the management of water resources. Six issues are published annually. The EWRA Newsletter „European Water“ was published irregularly under the supervision of the publication officer.
(C) For the purpose of offering the expert knowledge of EWRA members to private firms and public bodies, an expert data base was established by Mr. Nicos Tsiourtis for members who are interested to get engaged in international water related projects. The expert data base still needs to be put into operation.
(D) Dr. Maria Santos, the EWRA Secretary General, established an EWRA homepage in the Internet and was also the driving force behind the design of a very attractive EWRA poster.
(E) Meetings of EWRA members (“General Assembly meetings) in years without an EWRA conference were arranged annually, always in connection with international conferences in Europe or the Mediterranean (e.g. in Granada, Cairo, Lausanne)
LIAISON WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS:To intensify the international collaboration between water related organisations and associations, the following memoranda of understanding for mutual benefit were signed with:
SERVICE TO EWRA MEMBERS: All members are intitled to the following benefits:
UMBRELLA FUNCTION: During the GA meeting in Copenhagen, a new move of EWRA to offer an „umbrella function“ for national / regional water resources associations was decided. National or regional water related associations should benefit from membership by
This new move could not be implemented as intended, as EWRA was not able to offer the services needed for the national or regional water related associations. In future the necessity for a merging of water related associations in Europe might arise.
President: Prof. Dr. Dieter Prinz, Institute of Water Resources Management, Hydraulic and Rural Engineering,, Karlsruhe University, Germany. Vice-President and Membership Coordinator: Mr. Nicos. X. Tsiourtis, Water Development Department, Nicosia, Cyprus Secretary General: Mr. E. Karalis, Consultant, Athens, Greece Publication Officer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janos J. Bogardi, UNESCO – IHP, Paris. Treasurer: Dr. Maria Santos, Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia, Lisbon, Portugal
The Executive Committee for the period 1997 to 2000 consisted of:
President: Prof. Dr. Dieter Prinz, Institute of Water Resources Management, Hydraulic and Rural Engineering,, Karlsruhe University, Germany. Vice-President and Membership Coordinator: Mr. Nicos. X. Tsiourtis, Water Development Department, Nicosia, Cyprus Secretary General: Dr. Maria Santos, Laboratoria Nacional de Engenharia, Lisbon, Portugal Publication Officer: Mr. Thorkild Thomsen, Environment and Energy Division, Dept. of Hydrometry & Water Resources, Roskilde, Denmark Treasurer:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janos J. Bogardi, UNESCO – IHP, Paris.
Topic 3: Prospects and future activities of the Association
Decisions taken by majority of members:
Topic 4: Election of the new Executive Committee
Prof. G. Tsakiris stepped down leaving Prof. Prinz to convene the session. The following candidates were nominated by members / elected by majority of members:
Topic 5: 6th International EWRA Conference
Mr. Monget proposes the next EWRA Conference to be organized in Sophia Antipolis in Southern France. Further details still have to be elaborated.
Topic 6: Publicity and membership
Prof. Tsakiris, the newly elected President, promises a very powerful move to contact the various National Associations and to use especially the electronic media to make EWRA even better known in Europe. The new president thanks the past-president for his work during the two terms in office, expresses his hope for a successful new start. Prof. Prinz thanks the participants for their contribution.
Athens, 05.September 2002
Prof. Prinz Prof. Tsakiris (Past-President) President
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