European Water
Publisher E.W. Publications
ISSN (printed version) 1105-7580
ISSN (electronic version) 1792-085X
Published for European Water Resources Association
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List of Issues


    Issue 59 (2017)

Special Issue: "10th Word Congress on Water Resources and Environment"
(EWRA2017 - Issue III)
Guest editors: G. Tsakiris, V.A. Tsihrintzis, H. Vangelis, D. Tigkas


Title The effect of storage under climate change in Southern European basins
Authors A. Granados, L. Garrote, A. Sordo-Ward and F. Martin-Carrasco
Pages 1 - 8
Text pdf (4968 KB)


Title Assessment of climate-change impacts on precipitation based on selected RCM projections
Authors D.J. Peres, M.F. Caruso and A. Cancelliere
Pages 9 - 15
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Title Evaluating the water resources and operation of the Boukan Dam in Iran under climate change
Authors F. Emami and M. Koch
Pages 17 - 24
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Title Turkish Water Foundation (TWF) statistical climate downscaling model procedures and temperature projections
Authors I. Dabanlı and Z. Şen
Pages 25 - 32
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Title Influence of the geographic location of dams on spring daily flows magnitude during the 2007-2008 La Nińa event (Québec, Canada)
Authors A.A. Assani and A. Pothier-Champagne
Pages 33 - 38
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Title An informational entropy application to test the goodness of fit of probability functions
Authors T. Baran, F. Barbaros, A. Gül and G. Onuşluel Gül
Pages 39 - 44
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Title A snow variability analysis in Iran in relation to global warming and climate change
Authors T. Raziei, I. Bordi and L.S. Pereira
Pages 45 - 51
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Title Hydrological and water temperature modelling for dam decommissioning and climate change studies
Authors S.J. Dugdale, A. St-Hilaire and R.A. Curry
Pages 53 - 59
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Title Assessment of impact of climate change on streamflows using VIC model
Authors A. Treesa, J. Das and N.V. Umamahesh
Pages 61 - 68
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Title Weather generator utilization in climate impact studies: Implications for water resources modelling
Authors M.W. Gitau, S. Mehan and T. Guo
Pages 69 - 75
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Title Causes of dimming/brightening in Greece and implications on reference evapotranspiration
Authors G. Kitsara, G. Papaioannou and P. Kerkides
Pages 77 - 83
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Title Using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for extreme precipitation forecasting in an Andean region with complex topography
Authors G. Yáńez Morroni, J. Gironás, M. Caneo and R. Delgado
Pages 85 - 90
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Title Impact of climate change on irrigation need and groundwater resources in River Pinios Basin
Authors A. Panagopoulos, F. Herrmann, V. Pisinaras and F. Wendland
Pages 91 - 98
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Title Investigations of trends in meteorological time series
Authors M. Zeleňáková, P. Purcz, D.C. Diaconu, B. Pius, H. Hlavatá and M.M. Portela
Pages 99 - 105
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Title Generation of daily synthetic flows for Switzerland
Authors M.M. Portela, A.T. Silva, A.C. Santos and B. Schaefli
Pages 107 - 114
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Title Impact of climate change on inflows using refined precipitation and temperature scenarios
Authors J. Vieira and M.C. Cunha
Pages 115 - 122
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Title Spatial analysis of large atmospheric oscillations and annual precipitation in lake Urmia basin
Authors B. Vaheddoost
Pages 123 - 129
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Title Seasonal and annual trend analysis of meteorological data in Sanliurfa, Turkey
Authors V. Gümüş, N.G. Soydan, O. Şimşek, H.M. Algin, M.S. Aköz and K. Yenigun
Pages 131 - 136
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Title Quantile regression based method for investigating rainfall trends associated with flooding and drought conditions
Authors Y. Xuan, S. A. Abbas, X. Song and D.E. Reeve
Pages 137 - 143
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Title Parametric study of trends in flood stages over time in the regulated Guadalquivir River (years 1910-2016)
Authors P. Bohorquez and J.D. Del Moral-Erencia
Pages 145 - 151
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Title Effects of climate and land use changes on runoff extremes
Authors D. Pumo, E. Arnone, A. Francipane, V. Noto and G. La Loggia
Pages 153 - 159
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Title Forecasting of geophysical processes using stochastic and machine learning algorithms
Authors G.A. Papacharalampous, H. Tyralis and D. Koutsoyiannis
Pages 161 - 168
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Title Reliability estimation of rainwater catchment system using future GCM output data (case study: Birjand city)
Authors A. Jafarzadeh, M. Pourreza Bilondi, A. Khashei-Siuki, A. Aghakhani Afshar and M. Yaghoobzadeh
Pages 169 - 175
Text pdf (1177 KB)


Title Uncertainty in estimated water cycle determined with atmospheric budget, water budget and total water storage
Authors M. Birylo
Pages 177 - 184
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Title Seasonal Baltic Sea level changes in coastal zone
Authors K. Pajak and M. Birylo
Pages 185 - 192
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Title A simple scaling procedure to assess the impact of climate change on extreme precipitation
Authors A. Forestieri, E. Arnone and L.V. Noto
Pages 193 - 198
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Title Analysis of rainfall trend in southern Italy through the application of the ITA technique
Authors T. Caloiero, R. Coscarelli and E. Ferrari
Pages 199 - 206
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Title Climate change mitigation and adaptation plan for West Athens
Authors V. Krommyda
Pages 207 - 214
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Title Spatiotemporal evaluation of reanalysis and in-situ surface air temperature over Ethiopia
Authors T.W. Tesfaye, C.T. Dhanya and A.K. Gosain
Pages 215 - 221
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Title On the use of climate-flood links and CMIP5 projections to predict flood hazard under climate change scenarios
Authors A.T. Silva, M.M. Portela and M. Naghettini
Pages 223 - 230
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Title Temporal variation of reference evapotranspiration and regional drought estimation using SPEI method for semi-arid Konya closed basin in Turkey
Authors A.S. Anli
Pages 231 - 238
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Title Accuracy of daily PM-ETo estimations with ERA-Interim reanalysis products
Authors P. Paredes, D.S. Martins, J. Cadima, C. Pires and L.S. Pereira
Pages 239 - 246
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Title Calculation of the irrigation water needs spatial and temporal distribution in Greece
Authors K.X. Soulis and D.E. Tsesmelis
Pages 247 - 254
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Title Daily transpiration of a single sessile oak measured by the tissue heat balance method
Authors M.S. Ozcelik
Pages 255 - 259
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Title Water buyback in agriculture: What can we expect?
Authors C.D. Perez-Blanco and C. Gutiérrez-Martín
Pages 261 - 268
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Title Economic productivity of irrigation water and the closure of a river basin in Southern Spain
Authors A. Exposito and J. Berbel
Pages 269 - 275
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Title Parameterization of "canopy resistance" and estimation of hourly latent heat flux over a crop
Authors A. Margonis, G. Papaioannou, P. Kerkides and G. Bourazanis
Pages 277 - 283
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Title Water Footprint for cotton irrigation scenarios utilizing CROPWAT and AquaCrop models
Authors M. Zoidou, I.D. Tsakmakis, G.D. Gikas and G. Sylaios
Pages 285 - 290
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Title Mathematical analyses of water management’s effects on rice productions: A case study of Mae Kuang Udom Thara Dam, Thailand
Authors C. Likasiri and E. Duangdai
Pages 291 - 296
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Title Pollution control by agroforestry systems: A short review
Authors G. Pavlidis and V.A. Tsihrintzis
Pages 297 - 301
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Title Spatial interpolation of potential evapotranspiration for precision irrigation purposes
Authors N. Malamos, I.L. Tsirogiannis, A. Tegos, A. Efstratiadis and D. Koutsoyiannis
Pages 303 - 309
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Title The effect of Yazd wastewater on forage quantity and quality of Atriplex lentiformis
Authors A.A. Karimian and M. Ebrahimi
Pages 311 - 314
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Title Spatial and temporal assessment of potential soil erosion over Greece
Authors A.P. Kazamias and M. Sapountzis
Pages 315 - 321
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Title Multi-objective optimization for irrigation deficit through cascade reservoirs
Authors M.U. Rashid, S.S. Haider, M. Latif and N.A. Raja
Pages 323 - 329
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Title Irrigation with highly saline water: A new innovative water treatment system evaluated for vegetable production in greenhouse
Authors A. Gertsis and K. Zoukidis
Pages 331 - 337
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Title Irrigation of walnut trees in the vicinity of Hisareyn - Gölcük / Kocaeli, Turkey
Authors F. Dökmen, Y. Ahi and D.D. Köksal
Pages 339 - 342
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Title Soil water electrical conductivity determination based on the salinity index concept
Authors G. Kargas, P. Mougiou, A. Petsetidi and P. Kerkides
Pages 343 - 349
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Title Assessing the vulnerability of water for agricultural use to climate change: The case of Cyprus
Authors D. Charchousi, M.P. Papadopoulou, K. Spanoudaki, D. Alexakis, C. Giannakopoulos and A. Karali
Pages 351 - 356
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Title Evaluation of the water footprint and water use efficiency in a high density olive (Olea europea L.) grove system
Authors A. Gertsis, K. Zoukidis and A. Mavridis
Pages 357 - 363
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Title Wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation as alternative resource for water safeguarding in Souss-Massa region, Morocco
Authors M. Malki, L. Bouchaou, I. Mansir, H. Benlouali, A. Nghira and R. Choukr-Allah
Pages 365 - 371
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Title Bioenergy water footprints, comparing first, second and third generation feedstocks for bioenergy supply in 2040
Authors P.W. Gerbens-Leenes
Pages 373 - 380
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Title Sustainability assessment of agricultural production through causal loop diagrams
Authors R. de Vito, I. Portoghese, A. Pagano, R. Giordano, M. Vurro and U. Fratino
Pages 381 - 386
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Title Water availability and requirements for precision agriculture in vulnerable agroecosystems
Authors N.R. Dalezios, N. Dercas, N.V. Spiropoulos and E. Psomiadis
Pages 387 - 394
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Title Regulation and mitigation services of forests as the components of urban resilience
Authors B. Uygur Erdogan
Pages 395 - 401
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Title A methodology to determine the productivity - reliability curve as a tool for improving water management in the agricultural sector
Authors A. Chavez-Jimenez, A. Granados and L. Garrote
Pages 403 - 408
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Title Estimation of crop water requirements using remote sensing for operational water resources management
Authors J. Tzabiras, M. Spiliotopoulos and A. Loukas
Pages 409 - 416
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Title Proving the contribution of a seasonal shallow water table to evapotranspiration
Authors G. Bourazanis, I. Argyrokastritis and P. Kerkides
Pages 417 - 423
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Title Irrigation water pricing in the countries of the OECD – Modern trends and critical review: The Greek case
Authors I. Giannopoulou, E. Eleftheriadou and S. Yannopoulos
Pages 425 - 431
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Title Correction and sensitivity analysis of Hargreaves - Samani model in the estimation of the reference evapotranspiration (case study: Gonabab city in Iran)
Authors A. KhasheiSiuki, F. Sarvari and M. PourrezaBilondi
Pages 433 - 439
Text pdf (2466 KB)


Title Utilizing earth observation systems towards the implementation of Nexus approach for achieving sustainable water management at a river basin scale
Authors G. Zalidis
Pages 441 - 446
Text pdf (736 KB)
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